Showing posts with label pedicure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pedicure. Show all posts

Mar 24, 2011

Easy to Do Pedicure Designs

Plunge into the fun world of nail art and demonstrate your skills by creating fabulous pedicure designs which will contribute greatly to the stylish appearance of your feet. Inspire yourself from the following pedicure designs and your feet will most definitely look all styled-up!
Summer is right around the corner and your feet have to be all prepped and ready for those killer sandals you've been yearning to wear. An easy to do pedicure design can most definitely add more fun and beauty to your toenails, making them stand out and enhance the style of your flirty shoes, so gather all your tools and get ready to be creative.

Open toe shoes and sandals are a definite must this spring summer season, so grab your favorite shoe styles and match your pedicure design to the shoe style and its coloration. You'll be amazed of the impact nail polish can have over the aspect of your toenails, so use your skills to create various pedicure nail art designs that suit your style and personality. Go for summery nail polish hues that brighten up your feet, as your options are vast, thanks to the myriad on nail polish hues developed.

Easy to Do Pedicure Designs

Simple is definitely the easiest and most popular way to go as far as any nail art design goes, and this means you can have a lovely pedicure without spending a dime. You can do your own pedicure and put on your favorite nail polish, and you'll definitely look hot and stylish. Use hues which suit your personality and contrast the color of your shoes for best results.
Apply one or two coats of your fav nail polish and seal it with a top coat for a glossy, long lasting finish. Orange tones are highly popular this spring summer season, so give these hues a try to add a splash of color to your nails. Add more fun to your nails by turning towards nail art stickers, as they can be easily applied and come in a variety of styles.

Easy to Do Pedicure Designs

A French pedicure is definitely suitable for all occasions, so if simplicity and elegance is your style, this type of pedicure design will suit you like a glove. Creating a French style pedicure is quite easy; you can use special guiding strips or you can use your skill to trace out the French tip. Use a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover to repair any mistakes and adjust the design, making it look perfect. Keep things simple or use glitter or rhinestones to give the nail a more glamorous allure.

Easy to Do Pedicure Designs

If you're looking for a more sophisticated nail art design, which will have a little bit of edgy-vibe attached, you should be directing your attention towards designs which feature multiple hues, glitter, rhinestones, stickers, hand painted details, etc.
Animal prints, floral designs, glitter applications, color mixes are only a few of the options you have as far as your pedicure design goes, so experiment and go wild for a statement look. Don't hold back your artistic side and experiment to create your own personalized design that will make your nails look incredibly fashionable!